In 2008 Toys “R” Us publicly promised (even issuing a news release!) to reduce the use of polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC) in their products and packaging, and to offer more PVC-free products.

It seemed like Toys "R" Us had finally figured out that PVC chemicals--which have been linked to rising chronic diseases in children including learning disabilities, obesity, and cancer-- had no place in children's toys. It was about time!

Now over two years later, it appears that Toys “R” Us doesn’t know the meaning of the word promise, since they have continued to sell toys and infant products that are made of and packaged in PVC.

Tell Toys "R" Us to keep their promise today! Moms have a lot of power when it comes to retail.  In fact, mothers account for $2 trillion dollars worth of purchases. So when we speak up, companies need to listen.

Sign Today!

Join thousands of families and sign on to our petition that reads:

"Toys “R” Us: Keep your promise to keep kids safe from toxic PVC chemicals in toys and packaging – phase out PVC!!"

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    Here's something worse than dirty-day-after-Thanksgiving dishes
    Dear Friend,

    Get organized. Eat healthier. Magically make time to relax. The list list goes on.

    It's January, and a lot of us are taking stock of promises that we made to ourselves in the form of New Year's resolutions. Toys "R" Us knows something about promises: They made one in 2008 to take toxic chemicals like PVC out of their toys. Three years later, that promise still hasn't been kept.

    So next week, we're giving Toys "R" Us the push they need to keep their resolution this year by giving them a giant "Happy New Year-- Keep your Resolution!" card and a petition signed by thousands of people across this country. We can have an even bigger impact with even more signers. To do that, we need your help.

    Tell Toys "R" Us to keep it's resolution to protect kids from toxic toys by signing the petition today!

    * IF you've already signed this petition, THANK YOU. You can still do something though, please forward this email to the two people you know that would sign this petition. The more voices, the stronger we are!

    What's the lowdown on this petition?

    When it comes to toys, Toys "R" Us is a big player. In 2009, approximately 70% of households with kids under 12 shopped at Toys “R” Us stores, and 84% of first time mothers shopped at Babies “R” Us stores.[1]

    In 2008, Toys “R” Us, did something great for kids: They publicly promised to take toxic chemicals like PVC out of their toys. [2] It seemed like Toys “R” Us had finally figured out what parents and scientists already knew: PVC and related chemicals–which have been linked to rising chronic diseases in children including asthma, learning disabilities, obesity and cancer [3]– have no place in children’stoys.

    Yet two years after their promise to rid their toys and packaging of PVC, an independent study of a random selection of over 60 Toys “R” Us toys, infant products, and packaging found toxic chemicals, including PVC and its toxic additives.

    Because of their rapid growth and development, children are much more vulnerable than adults to exposure to toxins. And when thesetoxic chemical exposures come in the form of a much-desired new holiday gift, the kind of toy that doesn’t just show up at playtime, but is also at naptime, snack time, and all other daily activities; chemical exposure becomes as constant as the presence of that beloved new plastic playmate.

    Tell Toys "R" Us to keep it's promise today!

    And please send this link along to your family and friends!

    Together, we are a powerful voice for families.

    P.S. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) just launched a cool new searchable database that allows users to find out about products that may be in their homes or items they're considering buying. Visit the database and learn more about toxics in your home and purchases: LINK

    P.P.S. A giant thank you to Center for Health, Environment & Justice and the Teamsters Office of Consumer Affairs for their work on this issue and for the fantastic report: "Toxic Toys “R” Us -- PVC Toxic Chemicals in Toys and Packaging"

    [1] Toys “R” Us. 2010. Form S1/A. Filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 13, 2010. Online:

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