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    Help 380,000 families with one email!
    Dear Friend,

    Over 368,000 parents across this country are in a panic far worse than mine. Depending on how our U.S. Senators vote, these families could find themselves permanently cut off from preschool and child care.

    Take one minute right now to send a quick note to your Senator. We’ve got to make it clear that working parents depend on child care and preschool.

    What’s going on?

    Last week the House passed a federal funding bill that cuts 368,000 children from Head Start and child care programs. Now, the funding decisions are in the hands of the Senate. The stakes are high and time is of the essence: If the Senate cuts important early childhood investments, these children will lose access to Head Start and child care.

    Here’s how one MomsRising member describes how the cuts would impact her family:

    I'm a single mother with two kids under 3, a full-time student, and working, so I don't have much time to write. But I have to tell whoever is willing to listen that the daycare subsidy I receive has saved my life. I'm able to go back to school to get the kind of job that will help me afford to support the three of us on my own and I'm secure in the knowledge that my children are well-cared for and developmentally stimulated while I can't be with them. None of this would be possible without that subsidy. It is our lifeline and I thank god for it every day. Please don't take that away.

    --Nan, Washington state

    Stopping these cuts would ease the panic of thousands of families and could help our economy. Check this out: Scientific research and leading economists have said for years that investing in children is one of the smartest investments we can make. Dr. James Heckman, Nobel Laureate economist, has found that the return on investments in early care and education can run from 10-18 percent. Among Dr. Heckman's top fiscal recommendations for our current deficit crisis? Investments in and expansion to proven early childhood programs.

    Help stop these cuts. Contact your Senators today:

    And please pass this link along to your friends and family. We’re going to need everyone to speak out today.

    Together we are a powerful voice for women and families,

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    We'll keep you posted via email on this and other campaigns

    Stop the panic: Tell the U.S. Senate to save child care!

    There are a lot of reasons families can work in our country like: Quality, affordable child care.

    It's up to the U.S. Senate if 368,000 working families will be without child care and preschool. Let your Senator know they hold the fate of working American families in their hands.


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